Use "imprison|imprisoned|imprisoning|imprisons" in a sentence

1. Mantis Imprison – the mantis will channel - stun - lock the player that is Imprison Marked.

2. For example Imprison, Banish and Assassinate.

3. To confine in a Bastile; imprison

4. Imprison oneself in a person's world.

5. Tort of keeping someone imprison wrongfully.

6. Bastile: To confine in a Bastile; imprison

7. Death to Death Imprison- ment to 10

8. 17 For example Imprison, Banish and Assassinate.

9. Like the group that came to imprison Jesus.

10. They won't imprison him for a first offence.

11. Or “restrained; imprisoned.”

12. It cannot imprison one’s soul, mind, and nerve.”

13. You can imprison my body but not my mind.

14. Presa means "imprisoned."

15. Beaten and Imprisoned

16. Many people complain that Abandonment imprisons them behind a wall of their own making

17. Bourgois pleaded guilty to falsely imprisoning Miss Lamplugh and possessing an offensive weapon.

18. There are no locks strong enough to imprison the truth.

19. He regained his freedom after ten years' imprison-ment.

20. You may imprison my body, actually could not fetter my mind.

21. 10 “Imprisoned for Their Faith”

22. Letter is imprisoned in Straubing.

23. Arrested, Tortured, Imprisoned: The U.S

24. Informal 1 bang someone up, Bang up someone British Imprison someone.

25. I was imprisoned here in Magdeburg

26. He was imprisoned for 12 days.

27. And you let a band of fanatics imprison your brother by law.

28. He was imprisoned for debt.

29. Hoffman also imprisoned several Mohave leaders.

30. They have imprisoned an innocent man.

31. The Shogozyu imprisoned Bandora and her

32. Why, we ourselves may be imprisoned!

33. She was unjustly imprisoned without trial.

34. We have intercede with the authorities on behalf of people unfair imprison there.

35. Episode 2: "Heart of Archness: Part II"-- To begin his reign as Pirate King, Archer imprisons Riley

36. Profile: Imprisoned for political activity 1946-54.

37. He fails, and he is imprisoned.

38. He was imprisoned for two years.

39. The government imprisoned all opposition leaders.

40. He imprisoned her, in a figurative sense.

41. She was imprisoned within his strong arms.

42. He vas imprisoned for passing forged banknotes.

43. Justo now has the difficult task of having to imprison his own father.

44. It would be an injustice to the man to imprison him for life.

45. Being too cowardly to imprison him, Oedipus let him join the Argive army.

46. They were imprisoned for possession of drugs.

47. He was imprisoned in a local castle.

48. 11 The man was imprisoned for grand larceny.

49. They imprisoned many of those they caught.

50. 6 The man was imprisoned for larceny.

51. 8 The government imprisoned all opposition leaders.

52. Offer by bank, pay network imprison interface routine installation websites pay the function online.

53. Photographs show front and right profile mug shots of four prisoners; two imprisoned for Brigandage and one imprisoned for murder,

54. If you survive the poisoning, you can imprison or execute the Cupbearer without

55. To imprison his princes at will, That he might teach his elders wisdom.

56. Saul hoped to imprison Ananias, yet it is Ananias who came to set Paul free

57. Next, Satan will be imprisoned for 1,000 years.

58. She was imprisoned on trumped-up corruption charges.

59. Her fear virtually imprisoned her in her home.

60. He was imprisoned in 1965 for attempted murder.

61. Stéphane was imprisoned for maintaining his Christian neutrality.

62. Ngũgĩ was subsequently imprisoned for over a year.

63. He was found guilty of subversion and imprisoned.

64. Many were imprisoned or sent to labor camps.

65. Imprisoned with other Church leaders in Liberty, Missouri.

66. She shouted out that she was unjustly imprisoned.

67. Men were Barracked or imprisoned in Richmond Castle in …

68. Many elderly people feel imprisoned in their own homes.

69. Philip Augustus makes a new dike for it. He imprisons Paris in a circular chain of great towers , both lofty and solid.

70. They were brought to Edo to be imprisoned.

71. To Abduct is to kidnap — to take someone against their will and imprison them

72. Attempting to imprison, exile or execute an important character runs the risk of a civil war.

73. Seat ring is progressively crimped on a lathe to imprison the O - ring in it.

74. Interestingly, they believe him when he says that he will prosecute and imprison corrupt officials.

75. 21,600 dissidents were imprisoned, 13,000 interned, and 400 executed.

76. The poor old fool was imprisoned on my account.

77. We have been reviled, falsely accused, imprisoned for life.

78. and we remain imprisoned in our own paper chains,

79. The desert is imprisoned the wall of its barrenness.

80. 5 The apostle Paul was stoned, beaten, and imprisoned.